Download OpenAPI specification:
ZillionInfo DataSphereX API
codeType | string Encoding type. Default is 'UTF-8' |
file required | string <binary> |
{- "fileName": "string",
- "recordid": 0,
- "error": "string"
Import shapefile
fileName required | string File name |
recordid required | integer Record ID |
codeType required | string Encoding type |
name required | string The new data name |
{- "fileName": "string",
- "recordid": 0,
- "codeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "geomType": "string",
- "dataName": "string",
- "unitUrl": "string",
- "bounds": "string",
- "error": "string"
Import CSV
fileName required | string File name |
recordid required | integer Record ID |
codeType required | string Encoding type |
name required | string The new data name |
{- "fileName": "string",
- "recordid": 0,
- "codeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "csv": {
- "id": 0
}, - "dataName": "string",
- "error": "string"
Get data by name
name required | string Data name |
type required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type |
{- "name": "string",
- "type": "SHP"
{- "id": 0,
- "error": "string"
Get fields of spatial data
dataId required | integer Data ID |
getType | boolean Default: false Whether to get the type of the field |
getStatistics | boolean Default: false Whether to get the statistics of the field |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "getType": false,
- "getStatistics": false
{- "unitFields": [
- "string"
], - "fieldTypes": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "statistics": {
- "property1": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "error": "string"
Get fields of attribute data
csvId required | string The id of the attribute data |
getType | boolean Default: false Whether to get the type of the field |
getStatistics | boolean Default: false Whether to get the statistics of the field |
{- "csvId": "string",
- "getType": false,
- "getStatistics": false
{- "fields": "string",
- "fieldTypes": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "statistics": {
- "property1": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "error": "string"
Update spatial data resource
id required | integer Data ID |
name | string Data name |
description | string Data description |
tags | string Data tags |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "tags": "string"
{- "error": "string"
Update attribute data resource
id required | integer Data ID |
name | string Data name |
description | string Data description |
tags | string Data tags |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "tags": "string"
{- "error": "string"
Delete data resource
dataId required | integer Data ID |
type required | string Data type |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "type": "string"
{- "error": "string"
Get the status of a job
requestId required | integer Job ID |
{- "requestId": 0
{- "status": 0,
- "result": "string",
- "error": "string"
Transform coordinate
dataId required | integer Source data id |
epsgCode required | integer EPSG code of the target coordinate system |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "epsgCode": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Join data
targetDataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Target data type
targetDataId required | integer Target data ID |
targetJoinField required | string Target join field |
targetOutputFields | string Target output fields separated by comma |
joinType required | string Enum: "INNER" "LEFT" Join type
required | Array of objects Join data list |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
{- "targetDataType": "SHP",
- "targetDataId": 0,
- "targetJoinField": "string",
- "targetOutputFields": "string",
- "joinType": "INNER",
- "joinDataList": [
- {
- "joinDataType": "SHP",
- "joinDataId": 0,
- "joinField": "string",
- "aggFieldMethods": {
- "property1": [
- "min"
], - "property2": [
- "min"
}, - "noSuffix": true
], - "outputType": "SHP"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Field Calculation
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
calcType required | string Enum: "new" "update" Calculation type
updateType required | string Enum: "new" "update" Update type
fieldName | string The new field name |
fieldType | string Enum: "numeric" "text" The new field type |
expression | string The SQL expression to calculate the new field |
expressions | Array of strings[ items ] The SQL expressions to update existing fields |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "calcType": "new",
- "updateType": "new",
- "fieldName": "string",
- "fieldType": "numeric",
- "expression": "string",
- "expressions": [
- [
- "string"
], - "outputType": "SHP",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Filter data
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
expression required | string SQL expression to filter the data |
outputSelected | boolean Whether to output the selected data. Default is true |
outputUnselected | boolean Whether to output the unselected data. Default is false |
outputType | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "expression": "string",
- "outputSelected": true,
- "outputUnselected": true,
- "outputType": "SHP",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Clip data
dataId required | integer ID of the data to be clipped |
boundaryDataId required | integer Boundary data ID |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "boundaryDataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Intersect data
dataId required | integer Data ID |
boundaryDataId required | integer Boundary data ID |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "boundaryDataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Select by location
dataId required | integer Data ID |
boundaryDataId required | integer Boundary data ID |
spatialRelation required | string Enum: "intersect" "contains" "containsCenter" "within" "centerWithin" "touches" Spatial relation |
outputSelected | boolean Default: true Output selected |
outputUnselected | boolean Default: false Output unselected |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "boundaryDataId": 0,
- "spatialRelation": "intersect",
- "outputSelected": true,
- "outputUnselected": false,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Select by attribute
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
targetField required | string Target field |
selectingDataType required | string Selecting data type |
selectingDataId required | integer Selecting data ID |
selectingField required | string Selecting field |
outputSelected | boolean Default: true Whether to output the selected data |
outputUnselected | boolean Default: false Whether to output the unselected data |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "targetField": "string",
- "selectingDataType": "string",
- "selectingDataId": 0,
- "selectingField": "string",
- "outputSelected": true,
- "outputUnselected": false,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
targetDataId required | integer The id of the data to be used as the target |
eraseDataId required | integer The id of the data to be used as the eraser |
outputDataName | string The name of the output data |
{- "targetDataId": 0,
- "eraseDataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Merge data
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type |
required | Array of objects Merge data list |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "outputType": "SHP",
- "mergeDataList": [
- {
- "dataId": 0,
- "fields": "string"
], - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Split data
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
splitType required | string Enum: "location" "attribute" Split type |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
boundaryDataId | integer Boundary data ID for splitting by location |
splitField | string The field name for splitting by attribute |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "splitType": "location",
- "outputType": "SHP",
- "boundaryDataId": 0,
- "splitField": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Get centroid
pointType required | string Enum: "center" "centroid" Point type |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "pointType": "center",
- "outputType": "SHP",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Dissolve data
dataId required | integer Data ID |
fieldName required | string The name of the field to dissolve |
createMultiGeometry required | boolean Whether to create multi-geometry |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "fieldName": "string",
- "createMultiGeometry": true,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Data cleaning
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
updateType required | string Enum: "new" "update" Update type
removeDuplicates required | boolean Whether to remove duplicates |
trimString required | boolean Whether to trim string |
replaceNullNumber required | boolean Whether to replace null number with 0 |
replaceNullNumericFields | Array of strings The list of numeric fields to replace null number |
replaceNullString required | boolean Whether to replace null string with empty string |
replaceNullStringFields | Array of strings The list of string fields to replace null string |
replaceString required | boolean Whether to replace string |
replaceStringFields | Array of strings The list of string fields to replace string |
replaceStringValues | Array of strings[ items ] The list of old string value and new string value pairs |
changeColumnNameCase required | boolean Whether to change column name case |
columnNameCaseType | string Enum: "UPPER" "LOWER" "TITLE" Column name case type
changeStringValueCase required | boolean Whether to change string value case |
changeStringCaseFields | Array of strings The list of string fields to change string value case |
stringValueCaseType | string Enum: "UPPER" "LOWER" "TITLE" String value case type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "updateType": "new",
- "removeDuplicates": true,
- "trimString": true,
- "replaceNullNumber": true,
- "replaceNullNumericFields": [
- "string"
], - "replaceNullString": true,
- "replaceNullStringFields": [
- "string"
], - "replaceString": true,
- "replaceStringFields": [
- "string"
], - "replaceStringValues": [
- [
- "string"
], - "changeColumnNameCase": true,
- "columnNameCaseType": "UPPER",
- "changeStringValueCase": true,
- "changeStringCaseFields": [
- "string"
], - "stringValueCaseType": "UPPER",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Spatial Join and Aggregation
targetDataId required | string The id of the target data |
joinDataType required | string The type of the join data |
joinDataId required | string The id of the join data |
aggregationType required | string Enum: "statistics" "count" The type of the aggregation
locationFields | string The longitude and latitude fields of the join data separated by a semicolon |
spatialRelation | string Enum: "intersect" "contains" "containsCenter" "within" "centerWithin" "touches" The spatial relation between the target data and the join data |
targetJoinField | string The field of the target data to join |
joinJoinField | string The field of the join data to join |
object The aggregation methods for selected fields in the join data | |
countFields | string The fields to count separated by a comma |
dateField | string The date field of the join data |
dateFormat | string The date format of the date field |
startDate | string The start date of the date range in the 'MM-dd-yyyy' format |
endDate | string The end date of the date range in the 'MM-dd-yyyy' format |
outputRange | string Enum: "ALL" "WITH_DATA" The spatial range of the output data. Default is 'ALL' |
outputDataName | string The output data name |
{- "targetDataId": "string",
- "joinDataType": "string",
- "joinDataId": "string",
- "aggregationType": "statistics",
- "locationFields": "string",
- "spatialRelation": "intersect",
- "targetJoinField": "string",
- "joinJoinField": "string",
- "sAggFieldMethods": {
- "property1": [
- "sum"
], - "property2": [
- "sum"
}, - "countFields": "string",
- "dateField": "string",
- "dateFormat": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "outputRange": "ALL",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Attribute Aggregation
dataId required | integer Data ID |
groupFieldNames required | string Group field names |
required | object Aggregate field methods |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "groupFieldNames": "string",
- "sAggFieldMethods": {
- "property1": [
- "sum"
], - "property2": [
- "sum"
}, - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Space-Time Aggregation
targetDataId required | string The id of the target data |
joinDataType required | string The type of the join data |
joinDataId required | string The id of the join data |
aggregationType required | string Enum: "statistics" "count" The type of the aggregation
joinIdField | string The field of the target data to be the join id with the output data |
locationFields | string The longitude and latitude fields of the join data separated by a semicolon |
targetJoinField | string The field of the target data to join |
joinJoinField | string The field of the join data to join |
object The aggregation methods for selected fields in the join data | |
countFields | string The fields to count separated by a comma |
dateField | string The date field of the join data |
dateFormat | string The date format of the date field |
timeTypes | Array of strings Items Enum: "hour" "day" "week" "week_hour" "weekday_weekend" "weeks" "month" "quarter" "year" "year_month" The date time categories of the output data based on the date field. |
outputDataName | string The output data name |
{- "targetDataId": "string",
- "joinDataType": "string",
- "joinDataId": "string",
- "aggregationType": "statistics",
- "joinIdField": "string",
- "locationFields": "string",
- "targetJoinField": "string",
- "joinJoinField": "string",
- "sAggFieldMethods": {
- "property1": [
- "sum"
], - "property2": [
- "sum"
}, - "countFields": "string",
- "dateField": "string",
- "dateFormat": "string",
- "timeTypes": [
- "hour"
], - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Time Aggregation
joinDataId required | string The id of the input attribute data |
aggregationType required | string Enum: "statistics" "count" The type of the aggregation
object The aggregation methods for selected fields in the join data | |
countFields | string The fields to count separated by a comma |
joinIdField | string The field to be the id field of the output data |
dateField | string The date field of the join data |
dateFormat | string The date format of the date field |
timeTypes | Array of strings Items Enum: "hour" "day" "week" "week_hour" "weekday_weekend" "weeks" "month" "quarter" "year" "year_month" The date time categories of the output data based on the date field. |
outputDataName | string The output data name |
{- "joinDataId": "string",
- "aggregationType": "statistics",
- "sAggFieldMethods": {
- "property1": [
- "sum"
], - "property2": [
- "sum"
}, - "countFields": "string",
- "joinIdField": "string",
- "dateField": "string",
- "dateFormat": "string",
- "timeTypes": [
- "hour"
], - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Flow Aggregation
unitDataId required | integer Unit Data ID |
unitFlowDataId required | integer Unit Flow Data ID |
unitIdField required | string Unit ID Field |
boundaryDataId required | integer Boundary Data ID |
boundaryIdField required | string Boundary ID Field |
outputDataName | string Output Data Name |
{- "unitDataId": 0,
- "unitFlowDataId": 0,
- "unitIdField": "string",
- "boundaryDataId": 0,
- "boundaryIdField": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
inputDataId required | integer Data ID |
apportionFields required | string Apportion fields of the input data |
targetDataId required | integer Target data ID |
ratioField required | string Ratio field of the target data |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "inputDataId": 0,
- "apportionFields": "string",
- "targetDataId": 0,
- "ratioField": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Transpose Fields
dataId required | integer Data ID |
transposeFieldNames required | Array of strings Field names to transpose |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "transposeFieldNames": [
- "string"
], - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Pivot Table
dataId required | integer Data ID |
pivotNameField required | string Field name to pivot by |
pivotValueField required | string Field name to pivot values |
groupFieldNames required | Array of strings Field names to group by |
aggregateMethods required | Array of strings Items Enum: "sum" "avg" "count" "min" "max" "stddev" Aggregation methods |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "pivotNameField": "string",
- "pivotValueField": "string",
- "groupFieldNames": [
- "string"
], - "aggregateMethods": [
- "sum"
], - "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
dataId required | integer Data ID |
facilities required | string Facilities separated by semicolon. Each facility is a string of the form "dataId,weightField, dataWeight". |
inverseDistancePower required | number Power of the inverse distance |
influenceRadius | number Influence radius |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "facilities": "string",
- "inverseDistancePower": 0,
- "influenceRadius": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Submit a site allocation job
Site Allocation
demandDataId required | integer Demand data ID |
demandFieldName required | string Demand field name |
existingFacilityDataId | integer Existing facility data ID |
candidateFacilityDataId required | integer Candidate facility data ID |
facilityNum required | integer Facility number |
cutoff required | number Cutoff in degree |
competitorDataId | integer Competitor facility data ID |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "demandDataId": 0,
- "demandFieldName": "string",
- "existingFacilityDataId": 0,
- "candidateFacilityDataId": 0,
- "facilityNum": 0,
- "cutoff": 0,
- "competitorDataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Grid data
dataId required | integer Data ID |
cellSideLength required | number Cell side length in kilometers |
gridType required | string Enum: "square" "hexagon" Grid type |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "cellSideLength": 0,
- "gridType": "square",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
inputType required | string Enum: "LonLat" "pointData" The type of the input data |
centers | string The centers separated by semicolon. Each center is a string of the form "longitude,latitude,distance". |
pointDataDistance | number The distance of the point data |
dataId | integer The data ID of the point data |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "inputType": "LonLat",
- "centers": "string",
- "pointDataDistance": 0,
- "dataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Thiessen Polygon
dataId required | integer Data ID |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
dataId required | integer Data ID |
interpolationField required | string The field name to interpolate |
cellSize required | string The cell size in kilometers |
range | number The range |
sill | number The sill |
nugget | number The nugget |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "interpolationField": "string",
- "cellSize": "string",
- "range": 0,
- "sill": 0,
- "nugget": 0,
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
dataType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Data type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
calculationField required | string The field names to calculate the entropy separated by comma |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataType": "SHP",
- "dataId": 0,
- "calculationField": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Geographically Weighted Regression
regressionType required | string Enum: "gwr" "linear" Regression type
dataId required | integer Data ID |
depVar required | string Dependent variable |
variables required | string Explanatory variables |
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "regressionType": "gwr",
- "dataId": 0,
- "depVar": "string",
- "variables": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
dataId required | integer Data ID |
geocodeField required | string The field name to geocode |
outputType required | string Enum: "SHP" "CSV" Output data type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "geocodeField": "string",
- "outputType": "SHP",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Distance Matrix
dataId required | integer Data ID |
sortField required | string Sort field |
distanceType required | string Distance type
outputDataName | string Output data name |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "sortField": "string",
- "distanceType": "string",
- "outputDataName": "string"
{- "requestId": 0,
- "error": "string"
Create workspace
name required | string Workspace name |
accessType | string Sharing scope of the workspace. Default is 'private' |
service | string Service type |
required | Array of objects Parameters for each layer in the workspace |
showAttributeTable | boolean Whether to show the attribute table |
showFieldTable | boolean Whether to show the field table |
showPcp | boolean Whether to show the parallel coordinate plot (PCP) |
showLineChart | boolean Whether to show the line chart |
showRightPanel | boolean Whether to show the right panel |
rightPanelContent | string Enum: "stMatrix" "lineChart" Default right panel content |
{- "name": "string",
- "accessType": "string",
- "service": "string",
- "params": [
- {
- "dataId": 0,
- "csvDataId": 0,
- "classification": {
- "type": "univariate",
- "param": {
- "variables": [
- {
- "vars": [
- 0
], - "nors": [
- 0
], - "weights": [
- 0
], - "method": "SOM",
- "somSize": 0,
- "mode": "numeric",
- "field": "string",
- "type": "getClassJenks",
- "numClasses": 0
}, - "lineChart": {
- "configType": "byVariable",
- "aggregationVariable": "string",
- "aggregationGroup": "string",
- "aggregationGroupValue": "string",
- "aggregationMethod": "sum",
- "varLineChartEnabled": [
- true
], - "varLineChartTypes": [
- "line"
], - "varYAxisPos": [
- 0
], - "varLineChartColors": [
- "string"
], - "showAttributeTable": true,
- "showFieldTable": true,
- "showPcp": true,
- "showLineChart": true,
- "showRightPanel": true,
- "rightPanelContent": "stMatrix"
{- "jobID": 0,
- "workspaceKey": "string",
- "error": "string"
Update workspace
dashboardKey required | string Workspace key |
oldDataId | integer Old spatial data ID |
newDataId | integer New spatial data ID |
oldCsvDataId | integer Old attribute data ID |
newCsvDataId | integer New attribute data ID |
keepUrl | boolean Whether to keep the URL of the workspace. Default is false |
{- "dashboardKey": "string",
- "oldDataId": 0,
- "newDataId": 0,
- "oldCsvDataId": 0,
- "newCsvDataId": 0,
- "keepUrl": true
{- "jobID": 0,
- "workspaceKey": "string",
- "error": "string"
Get the status of the job to create or update a workspace
jobID required | integer Job ID |
workspaceKey required | string Workspace key |
{- "jobID": 0,
- "workspaceKey": "string"
{- "status": 111,
- "result": "string",
- "error": "string"
Get data list in a workspace
workspaceKey required | string Workspace key |
{- "workspaceKey": "string"
{- "spatialData": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
], - "attributeData": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
], - "error": "string"
Set data
serviceId required | integer Value: 6 Service ID |
dataId required | integer Data ID |
{- "serviceId": 6,
- "dataId": 0
{- "numericFields": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "error": "string"
Submit regionalization
dataId required | integer Data ID |
required | object Variables |
methodIdx required | integer Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 Regionalization method
regionNum required | integer Number of regions |
object Smoothing parameters | |
object Control population |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "variables": {
- "vars": [
- 0
], - "nors": [
- 0
], - "weights": [
- 0
}, - "methodIdx": 0,
- "regionNum": 0,
- "smooth": {
- "on": [
- true
], - "smootherIdx": 1,
- "controlPopIdx": 0,
- "controlPop": 0,
- "smCombination": 0
}, - "controlPop": {
- "controlPopIdx": [
- 0
], - "controlPop": [
- 0
], - "cstrLogicIdx": 0
{- "jobID": 0,
- "error": "string"
Check the status of a regionalization job
jobId required | any The job ID |
{- "status": "string",
- "progress": "string",
- "resultUrl": "string",
- "link": "string",
- "embedCode": "string",
- "error": "string"
Set data
dataId required | integer Unit data ID |
csvId required | integer Space-time attribute data ID |
{- "dataId": 0,
- "csvId": 0
{- "csvContextId": 0,
- "featureIdField": "string",
- "unitFields": [ ],
- "numericFields": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "error": "string"
Set feature ID field
csvContextId required | integer Context ID |
featureIdField required | string Field name of the feature ID to join the space-time attribute data |
{- "csvContextId": 0,
- "featureIdField": "string"
{- "success": "string",
- "error": "string"
csvContextId required | integer Context ID |
somSize required | integer The size of the SOM |
required | object Variables for classification |
{- "csvContextId": 0,
- "somSize": 0,
- "variables": {
- "vars": [
- 0
], - "nors": [
- 0
], - "weights": [
- 0
{- "jobID": 0,
- "error": "string"
Get the status of a VISSTAMP classification job
jobId required | any The job ID |
{- "status": "string",
- "result": { },
- "link": "string",
- "embedCode": "string",
- "error": "string"